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Beckenham Primary School
Beckenham Primary School opened in 1912, celebrating its Centenary in 2012. The school is situated 12 km from Perth’s CBD on the Perth – Armadale train line.
The Beckenham Train Station opened in 1954 as Higham Station and in an earlier history, the school vision was, “Catch A Ride to Lifelong Learning”. Pictures of trains have adorned our verandahs for over a century. During the duration of this Business Plan, we will see the train station become part of the METRONET. There are plans for an elevated line with community spaces underneath. We are proud that our school community has contributed towards this vision, which will enhance our strong community partnerships.
Beckenham Primary School
Share and Care
Our school motto, “Share and Care,” embodies the values of tolerance, caring, understanding, thoughtfulness and selflessness which all contribute to a productive and harmonious school climate.
The school is fortunate in having a diverse student population with over 40 cultural groups represented.

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